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Donation Total: $25.00

Financially, Rosaria’s mission depends entirely upon the generosity of individual donors and philanthropic organizations. We have thrived due to the committed efforts of volunteers and professionals who provide their services pro bono. We will survive and grow only through the continued generosity of those who believe in our mission.



Rosaria Communities is a not-for-profit organization, having an IRS-designated 501(c) (3) status. Our federal tax ID number is 20-2224168. Upon making a gift, you will promptly receive a letter from Rosaria acknowledging your donation.

Donation support

Your donation helps Rosaria to: 

  • Acquire, build or renovate and furnish additional housing projects
  • Accomplish capital maintenance of existing homes
  • Provide residents recreational and community outreach opportunities
  • Provide programs to promote tenure among care providers

How to donate

Donations can be made online via PayPal or by mail. PayPal provides a space to convey the purpose or dedication of your donation. If you donate by check, please enclose a note specifying the honoree of your gift; and/or make a notation on the memo line of the check. Rosaria will correspond with you to acknowledge your gift; and we will notify the family of the person in whose name the gift is made (unless anonymity is requested).
